US History

Assignments thus far:
1)  The Writing Revolution, Identify & Convert Fragments exercise, and the Chapter 3, Section 2 worksheet.
2)  The Writing Revolution scrambled sentences assignment and the Chapter 4, Section 2 worksheet.
3)  The Writing Revolution Sentence Types assignments (there are two) and the Chapter 5, Section 1 worksheet.
4)  The Writing Revolution “Developing Questions for a Given Answer” exercise and the Chapter 5, Section 2 worksheet.
5)  The Writing Revolution “Developing Commands from Questions using Expository Writing Terms” exercise and the Chapter 5, Section 3 worksheet.
6)  The Writing Revolution “because, but, so” exercise and the Chapter 6, Section 1 worksheet.
7)  The Writing Revolution “Subordinating Conjunctions” exercise and the Chapter 6, Section 2 worksheet.
8)  The Writing Revolution “Fill-in Appositives” exercise and the Chapter 6, Section 3 worksheet.
9)  Unit 2 Test and The Writing Revolution "Appositives Sentences 1" exercise.
10)  The Writing Revolution “Sentence Combining 1” exercise and the Chapter 7, Section 1 worksheet.
11)  The Writing Revolution “Sentence Expansion” exercise and the Chapter 7, Section 2 worksheet.
12)  The Writing Revolution “Sentence Expansion 2” exercise and the Chapter 7, Section 3 worksheet.
13)  Unit 3 Test
End of First Marking Period.
14)  The Writing Revolution “Underlining + Note-Taking” exercise and the Chapter 12, Section 1 worksheet.
15)  Unit 4 Test and The Writing Revolution "2nd Underlining + Note-Taking" exercise.
16)  The Writing Revolution “Annotate Key Ideas” exercise and the Chapter 13, Section 1 worksheet.
17) The Writing Revolution “Annotate Key Ideas 2” exercise and the Chapter 13, Section 2 worksheet.
18) The Writing Revolution “Single Paragraph Outline” exercise and the Chapter 13, Section 3 worksheet.
19)  The Writing Revolution “Distinguish a Topic Sentence” exercise and the Chapter 14, Section 1 worksheet.
20)  The Writing Revolution “Generate Details” exercise and the Chapter 14, Section 2 worksheet.
21)  The Writing Revolution “Given a Topic, Write a Topic Sentence” exercise and the Chapter 15, Section 3 worksheet.
22)  The Writing Revolution “Given Details, Generate a Topic Sentence” exercise and the Chapter 16, Section 1 worksheet.
23)  The Writing Revolution “Identify Topic Sentence and Sequence Details” exercise and the Chapter 16, Section 3 worksheet.
24)  Unit 5 Test and The Writing Revolution "Given a Topic Sentence, Select Appropriate Details from a List" exercise.
End of Semester, Final Exam
25)  The Writing Revolution “Eliminate Details 1” exercise and the Chapter 17, Section 1 worksheet.
26)  The Writing Revolution “Eliminate Details 2” exercise and the Chapter 17, Section 4 worksheet.
27)  The Writing Revolution “Generate Concluding Sentence” exercise and the Chapter 17, Section 5 worksheet.
28)  The Writing Revolution “Convert to Single Paragraph Outline” exercise and the Chapter 18, Section 1 worksheet.
29)  The Writing Revolution “Single Paragraph Outline Independent” exercise and the Chapter 18, Section 2 worksheet.
30)  The Writing Revolution “Sentence Summary” exercise and the Chapter 18, Section 4 worksheet.
31)  The Writing Revolution “Single-Paragraph Outline (SPO) Summary” exercise and the Chapter 19, Section 1 worksheet.
32)  The Writing Revolution “Combined Outline” exercise and the Chapter 19, Section 2 worksheet.
33)  The Writing Revolution “Revising Topic Sentences” exercise and the Chapter 19, Section 3 worksheet.
34)  Unit 6 Test
35)  The Writing Revolution “Transitions (from a bank)” exercise and the Chapter 20, Section 3 worksheet.
36)  The Writing Revolution “Transitions (Illustration)” exercise and the Chapter 20, Section 5 worksheet.
37)  The Writing Revolution Transitions (Change of Direction) exercise and the Chapter 21, Section 1 worksheet.
38) The Writing Revolution Transitions (Conclusion) exercise and the Chapter 21, Section 2 worksheet.
39) The Writing Revolution Transitions (Emphasis & Conclusion) and the Chapter 22, Section 1 worksheet.
40)  The Writing Revolution Transitions on Single Paragraph Outline and the Chapter 22, Section 2 worksheet.
End of First Marking Period.
41)  Unit 7 Test, and The Writing Revolution Transitions Revolutionized exercise.
42)  The Writing Revolution Revising Unelaborated Paragraph and the Chapter 23, Section 2 worksheet.
As always, if a student has been absent, but sees me during one of my prep-periods, I will help them get caught up.